Introducing my niece Kyndall... a future DM

Yesterday, I announced with giddy excitement that my niece was born, making me a proud uncle for the fifth time. I've dropped everything and flown to Ohio to see her (that's the advantage of being a VIRTUAL real estate investor).

Here's one of the first fuzzy pictures of Kyndall Grace…

The DM's fifth niece, Kyndall Grace

She was born yesterday, November 4th, weighing 8lbs 8oz and was 19 inches. What a cutie!

I'll be in Ohio for a few days, spending time with my family and getting to know this future DM-in-the-making (and maybe teaching her some deal-making tricks… you gotta teach them early!)

And I'm celebrating by giving you a great deal, too! There are only 48 hours left in my 72-hour special CELEBRATION SALE where I'm practically giving away 5 books and 2 free bonus audios for the ridiculously low price of $5. (That's a savings of $79). Click here now to get this deal before it disappears!

Here's a reminder about what you get...

For the shockingly low price of $5, I'm giving away 3 Insider's Secrets books, the Done-For-You Life book, and the Guerilla Marketing book (plus bonus audio interviews with Jay Conrad Levinson and Michael Gerber).

    • Discover how to double your income while also doubling your time off
    • Learn how you can go from a $50,000 Fixer-Upper to a $100 Million Dollar Mansion
    • Discover the huge pool of deals that you have access to right now and can profit greatly from - all while someone else is doing the work for you
    • Discover how you can go from the Corporate World to Real Estate Investor in 1 year or less - all while not risking your own cash or credit
    • Learn how a conventional Realtor went from $4 Million per year in sales to $100 Million per year in sales in one year's time with less work and more time to enjoy life...he reveals to you how you can do the same.
    • 101 Marketing Resources to build your buyers list, and sell deals fast.
    • How to get the cash to close deals, in book # 3 you will see how to get all the cash YOU will EVER need
CLICK HERE NOW TO GET ALL 5 Books PLUS the bonuses for ONLY $5.00

Don't forget, you only have 48 hours left! Act now.

Fabio (Kyndall's dad, my Brother-in-law) and Kadyn (big sister) holding Kyndall

Signing out from the family's house

Your Friend and Mentor (and proud uncle),

Mark Evans DM,DN

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