Sweating with The DM

Whether I'm in the US or hopping around the globe, working out is a priority for me. I always make time for it, even when I don’t want to ;)

I feel better, I think better, and I've found that I can adjust to the timezones and exotic food faster… because I stay in shape. (Oh, and there's a bonus reason for why I work out... keep reading to find out what it is).

Recently, I was working out with a friend of mine and our picture was taken. Pictured below is yours truly – The DM – with a buddy of mine, Cory Gregory.

Not only is Cory a friend and workout partner, he's a CSCC Exercise Specialist and a NESTA Certified Nutrition Coach. Cory is also the Senior President and Co-founder of MusclePharm.

(MusclePharm is a supplement company – if you watch UFC, you've probably seen them).

The DM and Cory Gregory. (To confuse you a little, The DM is wearing a shirt that says "I'm with the DM").

Do me a favor and follow Cory on Twitter at @musclepharm to get some great free advice on working out and to learn about the best supplements that I know of.

Bonus tip for working out

I don't run an exercise blog and I'm not going to tell you how healthy you should be. But there are two benefits to working out that you should really think about:

The first one is obvious: You get healthy. (And when you're in good shape, you can work harder and you'll have more time to enjoy any success you achieve from your deals).

The second one is less obvious (but perhaps even more important): You learn to test your limits and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Your level of comfort could be holding you back from achieving a higher level of success. Working out helps you address that by forcing you to be disciplined, to sweat through the tough parts to reach a goal, and to push yourself beyond your limits.

Hey, my goal here isn't to help you get to your peak physical condition... but my goal IS to give you all the tools and techniques I use to become successful. And working out regularly is one of those tools.

Your muscle-bound friend and mentor,

Mark Evans, DM, DN

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