EP 139: 1st Show of 2023 - The Year of A.I., How a Few Key Relationships Can You Millions, and The BIGGEST Lie about 10,000 Hours to Mastery No ONE Talks About...
95% of Americans buy into the myth that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill. Sorry to break it to you, but that’s complete bull. They mistakenly think all...
EP 138: GoodBye 2022 ... My 12 Goals for 2023 and Beyond...
Most people won’t have a 2023 that’s filled with wealth, happiness, and growth. Why? Because they’re working on the wrong things. Pulling the wrong levers. And they’ll wind up working...
EP 137: Did YOU Crush 2022 or Did 2022 Crush YOU? DO This NOW to Make Sure You Win The Game FOREVER!
Most entrepreneurs are “playing business.” They’re shuffling papers, installing new CRMs, and making sure their website looks schmick and fancy. They’re always “busy”, never have time to make sales, and...