EP 135: The Secret To Manifesting Anything You Want In Life (Without The Law of Attraction)

Entrepreneurs are selfish. What do I get for showing up? How can I benefit from giving? This is bullsh*t thinking. You see, the number 1 way to get anything you want in life is giving. 

It’s amazing what can happen in life with 1 connection, 1 relationship, or 1 action.

Better relationships, multi-generational wealth, and a greater connection with your kids. It’s all based on serving your fellow man.

In today’s episode, you’ll discover how to establish “relationship capital” and magnetize wealth. 

Listen now. 

Show highlights include: 

  • The counterintuitive way ignoring other people, and focusing on your needs only sabotages your ability to add an extra 0 to your bank account (8:51)
  • Why planting a seed in “drug addict soil” wastes your time, money, and energy (and distracts you from planting seeds in top quality soil) (13:44)
  • How to potentially reach out to the CEO of Home Depot by talking to “connectors” (14:51)
  • The weird way paying it forward results in “too-good-to-be-true” deals sliding across your desk (16:20)
  • Why typing in “entrepreneur” on EventBrite increases your net worth more than spending a million dollar per year on Facebook ads (18:40)
  • How to get multi-million dollar business owners asking “what do YOU need help with?” (20:48)

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